Amity brings a sigh of relief to families unprepared for an unexpected expense.


 We continue to fill a unique gap.

Amity works alongside school nurses, social workers, and principals to find solutions for families with temporary, economic challenges - whose child has a critical need that requires prompt attention.

Our consistency and simplicity define us.

Our board is still 100% volunteer run. The world has become more complex, but we have not shifted our scope or focus in the nearly 100 years we have been operating.


Small gestures make a world of difference

A new pair of glasses can make a difference in a child’s academic performance. A new coat or pair of boots during a Chicago winter can keep a child healthy, warm, and feeling good about themselves.


We partner with public schools

Amity’s Philanthropy Fund provides prompt assistance to families in the Oak Park-River Forest area whose income level disqualifies them from government support. We do not work directly with the families themselves, but we partner with the public schools.


No Red Tape. Complete Confidentiality

With the donations from generous Oak Park-River Forest residents and supporters throughout the U.S., we can meet immediate needs. Families with unexpected economic hardship feel especially grateful that their names are kept confidential.

 “Amity Schools” know that we are a phone call away

Amity considers each school’s request on a case-by-case basis. We are ready to listen, evaluate, and try to help. Helping families through partnership with all public schools in our area is at the heart of our mission.

Your funds can help make sure an unexpected economic hardship does not derail a family or a child’s dreams.

Longevity counts as a measure of success. Amity was founded by Marie C. Surplus and her friends to help under-privileged school children in 1924. Their pre-Great Depression club designated a fund for school children and the Chicago Amity Club was incorporated in 1925. The rest, as they say, is history.

 The Oak Park-River Forest community has assisted “Amity Kids” for nearly 100 years! DONATE today and ensure that Amity can be there for them for another century!